Health-Related Obesity

Obesity is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. Obesity can lead to several health and life-threatening issues such as high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, heart problems and arthritis.  Check with your doctor and find out what your BMI (body mass index) is.  If it is over 40, surgery will most likely be recommended.  If it is under 40 but you have one of the above health issues, your doctor may also go over surgical options with you. 

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 Today, obesity is at an all-time high in adults.  As busy as society is today, fast food places, candy and snacks and soda pop have taken the place of healthier, more responsible eating habits.  There are people who struggle with weigh due to genetics and family history.  Thanks to bariatric surgery, there are ways to effectively and safely deal with obesity. 

What Is Laparoscopic Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

Laparoscopic bariatric weight loss surgery benefits those with severe obesity, especially when proper nutrition and exercise alone don't yield results. The decision to undergo these types of procedures is a weighty one. These surgeries are life changing but if you are determined to lose weight, you will reap its benefits. After your procedure, you will need to commit to a significant change in terms of your lifestyle and diet. Laparoscopic bariatric weight loss surgery forces you to eat much less than you normally would, thus controlling your overall caloric intake. If you overeat, you risk vomiting or experiencing other abdominal complications.

These types of procedures are highly advanced and less invasive than any other form of weight loss surgery. You are put under general anesthesia so that you can stay asleep and pain free for the duration of the procedure. First, Dr. Otah makes 4-6 small incisions in your stomach through which she will have access to your abdominal organs. A tiny camera is placed into one of the incisions so that Dr. Otah can view the inside of your abdomen on a large monitor and perform the surgery. One week before the procedure, you cannot take any drugs that prevent blood clots, such as Advil and Aspirin. You must also fast for a day prior to the procedure.  You will have to be on a fat reducing liver diet 2-3 weeks before your surgery. These surgeries typically lasts 1-2 hours, and may require a 1-2-day hospital stay. You will be able to resume fairly normal activity within 3-6 weeks after going home.


Who Needs Laparoscopic
Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery?

The ideal patient for this type of procedure is obese and cannot lose weight any other way. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) exceeds 40 percent, you may qualify for the procedure based on that factor alone. Underlying issues that can be treated by weight loss combined with a BMI of 35 percent or higher will also qualify you as a candidate. If you suffer from any of the following conditions linked to obesity, laparoscopic bariatric surgery may be ideal for you:

High blood pressure (Hypertension)
High cholesterol
Sleep Apnea
Heart Disease
Type 2 Diabetes


Benefits of Laparoscopic
Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

Laparoscopic bariatric surgery is the more innovative less invasive counterpart of the open weight loss surgeries, which involves the opening of a patient's abdomen. The following are a list of advantages of laparoscopic surgery:

The smaller incisions allow for a lesser risk of infection

The recovery time is much shorter

The surgery itself is shorter than an open bariatric procedure

Weight loss leads to reduction in medication use and for many eventual cure for diabetes, arthritis, and hypertension


Types of Surgeries Offered

If you have a weight problem and are considering surgery, this could very well be the perfect time to do so. If you are ready to live a healthier lifestyle contact the Center for General & Laparoscopic Surgery.  We will partner with you and help you begin your lifelong weight loss journey today.


Types of Bariatric Surgeries Offered

Lap Band
Roux En Y Gastric Bypass
Gastric Sleeve
Revisions (removal of Molina band, conversion from one type of bariatric surgery to another)